Challenge 1: Augmented AVL Trees

- 5 mins

In order to follow along with this problem and my solution, the reader should be familiar with both Binary Search Trees and AVL Trees.


Consider an abstract data type that consists of a set of integers, \(S\), on which the following operations can be performed:

Describe how to implement this abstract data type using an augmented AVL tree.

Each operation should run in \(O(log_2(n))\) worst-case time, where \(n = |S|\).

My Solution

Consider a standard, self-balancing AVL BST, with each node \(x\) modified to store the following values:

Note that for a node \(z\) with no children, we have \(z \text{.count} = 1\) and \(z \text{.keysum} = z \text{.key}\).

With these modifications in place, the two specified operations can be performed in \(O(log_2(n))\) worst-case time, in the following ways.


  1. Perform BST search on the AVL tree to discern whether \(i\) is already contained in the set. Continue only if \(i\) is not already contained in the set.

  2. Create node \(x\) with key \(i\).

  3. Insert \(x\) as in the same manner as Binary Search Tree insert, and after insertion, go up all of \(x\)’s ancestor nodes, and for each ancestor node whose key is greater than or equal to \(x \text{.key}\), add \(x \text{.key}\) to the keysum of the ancestor and increment the ancestor’s count attribute by 1.

  4. Do AVL rebalancing rotations, except:

	""" Python-like pseudocode to be called as a subroutine during

	Decrements the count and keysum of all ancestors of the left 
	subtree by the count and keysum of the root of the subtree.
	# Decrement ancestors.
	current_node = root.left_child
	while current_node.parent is not None:
		if current_node.parent.key >= root.left_child.key:
			current_node.parent.keysum -= root.left_child.keysum
			current_node.parent.count -= root.left_child.count
			current_node = current_node.parent

	# Sever connections.
	root.left_child.parent = None
	root.left_child = None
connect_left_subtree(subtree_root, new_root):
	""" Python-like pseudocode to be called as a subroutine during

	Increments the count and keysum of all of the new ancestors of 
	the subtree by the count and keysum of the root of the subtree.
	# Connect.
	subtree_root.parent = new_root
	new_root.left_child = subtree_root
	# Increment ancestors.
	current_node = subtree_root
	while current_node.parent is not None:
		if current_node.parent.key >= root.left_child.key:
			current_node.parent.keysum += subtree_root.keysum
			current_node.parent.count += subtree_root.count
			current_node = current_node.parent

Note that the while loops in both connect_left_subtree and disconnect_left_subtree iterate at most once up the height of the AVL tree, which for an AVL tree with \(n\) nodes is \(\in O(log_2(n))\).

Because this is the same as the standard upper bound on the worst case running time of the unmodified Add(i) AVL operation, we can conclude that the upper bound on the worst case running time of the modifiedAdd(i) AVL operation is also \(O(log_2(n))\).


  1. Find the node \(x\) in the AVL BST whose key is the largest integer in \(S\) that is less than or equal to \(t\). Return 0 if no keys in \(S\) are less than \(t\).

  2. Begin tallying a cumulitive keysum and count by including \(x\)’s keysum and count.

  3. Go up the ancestor nodes of \(x\) until the tree’s root is reached, and for each ancestor node whose key is less than or equal to \(x \text{.key}\), add that ancestor’s keysum and count to the cumulitive keysum and count.

  4. When the AVL tree’s root is reached, divide keysum by count and return the result as the average.

Average\((t) \in O(log_2(n))\) because the number of constant time operations is limited by the number of nodes between \(x\) and the root of the tree, which for an AVL tree with \(n\) nodes is limited above by \(\text{floor}(log_2(n))\).

Cristyn Howard

Cristyn Howard

Software Developer. Dynamically-typed.

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