Java Fish Tank

- 1 min

Inspired by a school project, I developed an object-oriented fish tank animation project.

Java Fish Tank in Action

There are many assorted Java classes for different species of ASCII fish, each with it’s own unique appearance and behaviour.

Class description of ASCII Angelfish.
Angelfish Species
Class description of ASCII Bass fish.
Bass Species

They mostly just swim around. There wasn’t a huge point to this project, other than practise working in Java and make something cute to look at.

Class description of ASCII Krill.
Krill Species
Class description of ASCII Goldfish.
Goldfish Species

I should note that, despite being inspired by a school project, all of the code for the fish tank is original.

You can check out the repo for the project here.

Cristyn Howard

Cristyn Howard

Software Developer. Dynamically-typed.

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