My Internship with Intuit

- 2 mins

It’s been a while since I’ve written on my blog! And I haven’t contributed to any new personal projects in a while, simply because working at my internship has kept me rather preoccupied.

I’ve had an amazing year at Intuit. It was difficult to say goodbye to the team on my last day. I’ve met so many wonderful people over the past 12 months, who have helped me learn more about writing software professionally than I could learn in any class.

While it’s still fresh in my mind, I wanted to take a moment to review some of the things I’ve learned and been taught on the job.

I’ve chosen to write this list in bullet-point form for the sake of concision, and I’ll be sure to add to it as I remember various skills I’ve picked up in the past year.

Without further ado, here is a list of essential skills that I learned on the job with Intuit as a Software Developer Intern.

Essential Skills Learned:

Cristyn Howard

Cristyn Howard

Software Developer. Dynamically-typed.

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